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Island fresh, free range local brown eggs

Kamakani Farms logo

Located on agricultural lands in the Ho'olehua Homestead district of Molokai

To purchase eggs call or text
Cameron Hiro at 808-658-0433
Jacqueline Hiro at 808-658-0060
$7/dz for large, $6/dz for medium

Dark Wood Panels

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Kamakani Farms - about us...

Kamakani Farms is a small family run Poultry business operated by Cameron and Jacqueline Hiro along with their keiki and mo’opuna. Located on agricultural lands in the Hoolehua Homestead district on Moomomi Avenue, they offer Island fresh, free range local brown eggs.
With the help of Sustainable Molokai and Asagi Hatcheries, who helped with education and resources, they were able to start this Poultry Business back in February of 2022.

The farm currently has 4 separate chicken coops with about 250 free range egg laying hens.

The hope and goals for Kamakani Farms is to do their part in helping Molokai become more self-sustainable, reduce the need for imported goods, benefit the community and set a path for their children and grandchildren to continue their sustainability efforts.

If you are interested in purchasing eggs please call Cameron Hiro at 808-658-0433 or Jacqueline Hiro at 808-658-0060.  Mahalo to all of you for your continued support.

Kamakani Farms
4195 Moomomi Avenue, Hoolehua, HI 96729
PO Box 414, Hoolehua, HI 96729

Free Range Poultry Farm
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